Monday 1 December 2008

Pre-Wedding Shoot - Hana and Kaleem

Myself and Dani took ourselves off for our weekly outing to Birmingham, where we seem to based every weekend now for the last month. It's great because Dani's introduced me to trains. Prior to this, I have been a hardcore bus rider (I use buses). I'm still abit to weary off catching a train on my own, but hopefully, one day, I'll have the knowedge to catch trains without ending up in Tunisia (Honest - it'd happen to me).


We arrived at Snow Hill station (which is cold!!!) and walked down to Digbeth (Custard Factory) to meet todays clients, Hana and Kaleem, who we're shooting a wedding for in less than a month.

Thanks to my sophisticated army trained timing skills, we got there about an hour early, which, with our tummy's rumbling - was a good thing. We searched and searched but sadly Custard Factory dedicates itself to selling second hand things you never want on a Sunday, calling it "vintage" - apologies to vintage lovers out there - but I don't know why anybody would want to purchase a decaying, smoke smelling, colour faded, stuffed budgie in the middle of a credit crises and Christmas.

I'd like to add that eventually we found a little place that sold jacket potatoes, so we were happy.

We took Hana and Kaleem to a little old pub for a coffee and a chat about wedding arrangements, which seemed alittle silly seen as we only saw them last week - but still we confirmed ideas for photos and clarified arrangements for the day. And then it was out into the cold for a quick shoot.

And quick it was! We braved the cold Digbeth air for about an hour, pretending it was 30 degrees on an exotic carribean island.

Really looking forward to the big day! See you then


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