A few days ago, I was out on a job shooting exteriors for a local construction company when Sophie (who is pretty much an agent to us at the moment) got a call from a company who needed photos for a new brochure.
So fast forward two days and we're on our way down to Devon for the day. I was up and ready to go at 4AM in the morning (mornings aren't a big deal for me in the Summer). What made the day interesting was that half the day was spent shooting a range of photographs for the companies brochure and the rest of the time my "job" was to explore and photograph the local area. Which included a beach and the one and only Donkey Sanctuary (I adopted two Donkeys from there before. I'm not sure what they're doing now...)
These steps were almost the end of me. Coming down was great fun but going back up the 546 steps with a bag full of heavy kit wasn't fun.
This really made my day. Don't you just love it when a random Shrek just pops out of nowhere? Especially when there's loads of little Donkeys in the field next door. "Donkeh!" makes me giggle for hours.I took some time out on the beach and shot a few frames for myself. It's really rare I get to shoot for fun these days and I couldn't believe how much I learned from not shooting for a client. I also had a lot of fun and managed to write a few bits of my wedding speech, WHICH IS THIS TIME NEXT WEEK!!! ARH!!!
Personal favourite.Might squeeze in one more blog before I take a short break before the wedding. If not, I'll see you when I'm a married man! EEK!
We're a portrait, lifestyle and wedding photographer business based in the West Midlands.
The blog is a place where I can document shoots and share our most recent work.
Our style is fun, modern and creative.
Hope you enjoy reading.
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