Thursday, 30 April 2009

Wear your bra on your head!

It's been a busy few days and i'm trying to juggle keeping this up-to-date with the 1000+ edit backlog from recent weddings etc.

These are a few fashion shots from a recent shoot with Becky, who's been trying to catch us for a shoot since like late '08! Emily was in charge of throwing colours at her face - it was my first shoot with her in a LONG time. This is what happens when you combine the awesomeness of Emily and Becky...

Love this next one! I have a big obsession for close up/beauty headshots.

So there's a funny story behind this next shot:

We wanted to add something striking to the hair to break out of close up beauty shots.

Ideally, we wanted a bow and then Emily shouts "Why don't we use Becky's bra?!"

We all laughed because Emily always says silly things like this. But then she held it to her hair piece and bingo, it sort of went from there.

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