Like many photographers, especially those who are still finding their feet or trying to compete on cost by reducing their over-heads - I work from home!
Although working from home has it's advantages (I can work naked...) - there are some serious disadvantages (Family members could walk in at any moment). Currently, my main problem is trying to separate work from home and trying to maintain productivity when working from home as it's very easy to get sidetracked by my dog or something shiny outside.
It's for this reason that (for the summer) I'm considering moving "premises" ... to a local field. You should too!
It's sort of like when I was at primary school and on sunny days the teachers felt like having a doss and getting a tan so they did the lessons outside and called it "Outdoor Education Days" or something like that...
Now obviously I won't be working in fields all summer, there will be days when it's raining/cold/too lazy etc but I really don't think there could be a better place to go out and work.
I'll be surrounded by nothing but open space, silence and nature - which has to be pretty damn awesome! Although I couldn't/shouldn't (but probably will) work naked in public - I can be 100% focused on my work and play my music crazy loud.
You should do it too!
Here's a few things to consider;
Internet connection: Unless your on that clever 3 dongle thingy - Wifi could be difficult in the middle of a remote field. Fortunately I've picked a field that's close to a small country pub so I can pop in and steal they're connection should I require it. (Brainwave... Why didn't I think about just working from the pub?!?!)
Food/Water: Pack some sandwiches and goodies in a lunch box and enough water to last the day. Or go to the pub...
Leaving Stuff At Home: Write a to-do the night before and triple check you have everything before you leave. IE - If you intend to contact clients, make sure you have their details handy!
Have Power: So last time I checked there's a severe shortage of plugs in the countryside so ensure you have spare batteries or near to a local public plug (ie - the pub again!)
It's a bit quiet... - Take some music (PUMP IT UP LOUD!!) or get a friend involved, make the field your office space.
Err - I need the loo... - Without just answering "pub" - it's probably a good idea to have local public amenities nearby. The reason I refer to pubs is because they are probably the only local facilities in the countryside.
With kids? Your joking? - I'm even more serious if you have kids! Although I wouldn't advise this with very young children/babies - most big kids love big open spaces. There's endless games to play outdoors, grab a few games/ideas and let them play whilst you work. You might even be able to enjoy a bit of piece and quiet!
It's going to be uncomfortable - It's free space my dears - we shouldn't be so picky! Millets (and the like) do great camping/portable basic furniture which is ideal if you plan on sitting around all day - Table - Chair
There's no nearby fields? - So getting out of the city everyday might not be an option, but hell - aim to do it once a week! Or if your not into fields... why not spend the day working from somewhere new; a cafe, bar, from a high viewpoint, or just under a friggin' tree!
The whole idea of this is to make the most of our week long summer and to improve productivity in a new environment!