The first night saw an amazing sunset which was a short walk from our caravan (down a huge hill ofcourse). As soon as we unpacked, we were down there making the most of any sunshine as Wales is not famous for it's Mediterranean climate and never will be.
I took a few cheesey shots of Dani and a few of her parents for the wall. For the first time in ages, I've been able to almost disconnect myself from work and relax abit, even whilst receiving texts from the occasional person "I WANT TO BOOK A SHOOT" (repeat x1090827) - all of which have been ignored untill I have just sat down at my desk.
We woke up on the first day and took a walk to nearby town, New Quay, not NewQuay.
This place is your typical sea side town with a lovely little harbour, colourful houses and lots of seaside souvenir/food shops, oh and ofcourse, atleast a 100 chip shops. But! Anyone who knows me will know I'm quite proud of where I've grown up etc and the entire chip shop gave me the funniest look when I started pointing at the salt and vinegar bottles, getting all excited like a child that can't hold their bladder. "Dani Dani Dani!!!" I shouted whilst trying to speak to her with a hot chip and a fork in my mouth. I noticed that "Halesowen" (my home town) is actually a supplier and manaufacturer of the Salt and vinegar bottles you get in Chip Shops! Seeing "Halesowen" on anything in such a little town in Wales was great, I shared the story with the guy that served us but he just gave a pittyful smile and carried on serving the freaked out customers next to us. I even took a photo (You can't see it's halesowen - you'll just have to believe me on that one)
Anyway we ended up at a Honey Farm, which was nice because we got to look at lots of bees...and stuff like that. I make it sound dead naff, but it was dead interesting and fairly busy considering it was set in the middle of nowhere. As the day went by, the weather got worse as we parked up at some town (I couldn't spell or pronounce the name - It was something like.... Abrywlvn haha no it wasn't really, I just know it started with "Ab" like every Welsh town).
We got out the car and walked to the end of the road, we both got soaked within 5 minutes of leaving the car and decided it was probably best to retreat to the caravan.
After pestering Dani like a child I got my own way and we went to the amusements. Where I spent my years wages on fruit machines (winning nothing) and 20p on a grabber machine (Which I won a strange duck/teddy thing for Dani. It wears sunglasses and looks like a spy?) I think that evening we also went "Crabbing" which actually invovles catching shrimp?? Eitherway, I filled the bucket with lots of crabs which sort of attacked the few shrimp Dani caught, but they were all eventually set free in a merry little rock pool near the sea :)
On the last day (I've totally got all these days mixed up so far I think, oops lol), we took a drive to a town I virtually grew up with as a child, with regular family holidays to Tenby atleast 3 -4 times a year, you'd think I'd be sick of the place. But no - I dragged Dani along (for the second time) as we drove about an hour and a half in the rain to go and have a walk round the town. As soon as we stepped into the town - the sun came out! However, the town seemed alot bigger when I was little and it didnt really take us too long to get round there, as lovely as the place is, it hasn't changed much, but that still gave us a good excuse to buy some chips and sit by the sea. If you've never been to Tenby - go there - it's a nice little place.
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