I was so psyched about this shoot, it'd be my last with Emily Jane until late this year/early 09.
I personally know that I work best with Emily, she takes a massive amount of pressure off me during the shoot which allows me to really concentrate on the shot itself. I am totally in the zone when I work with her.
So it was Mr Brom who fell victim to our creative "last chance to make something amazing" frame of mind. "I look like a girl" was a frequent yelp from the poor lad.
We spent most of the day in the studio, which has suffered in appearence but boy... it's so much more efficient now. The opportunities to create amazing photos are there, and all I have to do is use it all correctly, which is an amazing a rewarding feeling when I've worked so hard to financially pull it off.
Tom wanted the photos for a portfolio, we wanted him to go away with as many looks as possible, I think we got through about 6 different looks - plus an extra 5 or so that we didn't get time for.
I'm extremely proud with some of these shots, especially as most of them are a result of good technical photography rather than post work.
Massive thank you to Tom for being so open to different ideas, as a result - your portfolio will show fantastic versatility (Which he has) as well as the more obvious attributes to anyones portfolio. All the best in future Tom, I think you'll go far in the right hands!
As for Emily.
Arh, I'm gonna miss ya sibling!
Have an amazing time over the next month!
Thanks for a great shoot!
P.S - It wouldnt be a great shoot without aweful behind the scenes shots of Emily (Y)
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