Worked on a shoot for a great character on Sunday, Laura and her carers. We had an hour to shoot everything so were busy running round my local park and then back to the studio for a few more posed shots. The photos look amazing, everything about them is so natural, I can't wait to show Laura and her carers.
Monday was Holly, another character in front of camera. Lots of genuine smiles and giggles on this shoot which was mainly studio based, trying to get a few shots together for a portfolio before setting off to bigger studio shoots over the coming weeks.
Yesterday we did a portrait photoshoot for Amy who was sooo nervous. Thankfully she settled into it and despite her nerves, her photos are looking great. My apologies (on behalf of me and emily) to Amy for ONCE AGAIN getting distracted by a squirrel on a shoot. It was one heck of a squirrel though, he came so close to the camera that I lost focus on him but refused to move
incase I scared him off. Anyway, I the little fella didnt die from the chocolate cookie emily insisted on force feeding him. Lots of fun on this shoot, including emily falling down the smallest hill in the world and discovering an extra location to shoot at whilst out and about. Great shoot! However, now I face the mammoth task of editing everything from the last week or so, which is slightly daunting but it's gonna be worth it! More to come soon!
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