So yesterday was the turn of Paige infront of camera.
She came to my home studio with her mum who was so enthusiastic about the whole shoot and really wanted to get as many shots as possible for Paige, as did me and EmJ.
We ransacked the bags of clothes she brought with her and picked out the stuff we wanted to use. Although we knew this was going to be a Glamour/Beauty shoot, Paige wanted the shots to use for her portfolio, and shes only really done one shoot previously, it was important to really mix it up for her.
I'm a massive fan of David LaChappelle, not necessarily his ability to take photos but the surrealism in his ideas are perfect. In this shoot, we decided to ruin one of shots but attempting to

recreate a shot of Angelina Jolie with a horse in the countryside.
Which is what we did and I was actually quite suprised how they turned out, the photos have an amazing natural feel to them, I love the simplicity of the shots. And although they may not be the most fantastic technical shots I have ever taken - there's something about them which I'm quite proud of. The shot on the left shows how we spread out across the field approaching different horses from different angles haha! This is a rare moment where Emily is saying "Chris I don't think we can do this" and me saying "Ofcourse we can!" - That is a very rare moment. Normally its the total opposite way round haha.
Following a few studio shots we went out towards Dudley to some place I can't remember what it was called but it was a nice little place to shoot, plenty of ponds and a little old building we could use.
The only problem we noticed was a few chavs that haven't encountered the female race yet, armed with camera phones and there elegant use of the English language. "Get yur tits out" and "I wanna see her naked" were amongst some of the compliments.
After Emily threatened to throw our "steel" reflector (lmao) at them - I decided to take the Hug a hoodie approach and offered them a photo if they'd leave us be. They had there photo taken and left straight away. Fools. I have Producers Forum and my three week course at UCE to thank for getting rid of them, I wouldn't have a clue what to do otherwise. It was nice to put something I learned so long ago into practice in a real situation.
On a far more personal note, I got a call from Dani half way through the shoot with the worse possible news. I obviously don't wanna go on about it here but right now Dani, me and ofcourse her family are totally devastated. You'll probably hear alot less of me from now on, I need to devote more time to being with Dani and her family.
Without ending the blog on a low note, I am really looking forward to the shoot today with Dylan, whos a local close up street magician. I've also enjoyed and been inspired by magic so today will be more fun than work for sure. I'm trying my very best to avoid any cheesy magician shots today but I just know I'll probably take atleast one lol.
I'll do my best to keep this updated over the coming weeks.