Allbright (formally Frontline) were one of the first bands I ever shot. Back when I was at college, I was filming another band and shot alittle bit from Frontlines set in Stourbridge on a college HD camera on HDV tapes. How times change!?
Gone is the HD video camera, infact - gone is film all together, I find myself stood with the guys about year and half - 2 years on outside Sams house with a coffee (Thanks for the coffee, really needed it that morning) waiting for the models to show up for todays shoot with the band.
Due to meet at 10:30 - I text our male model, "Dan" to ask where he is (It's about 10:35 if your interested)....The reply.... "not good, been at police station all night".
Imagine our faces? Then times it by about 9 or 10. But it's ok! Yes really... they were giving away McFly albums in the Daily Mail! Sams house was carpeted with pages from the paper to say the least.

Anyway, after some frantic calling around - we got hold of a model, Jake. (THANKS JAKE!) Phew. We set off to Kinver, set up a little rope swing whilst the kids got ready for their shot. The kids are also part of the CD cover,

got some amazing shots of these as they did a literally perfect job of modeling for us, big well done, your both gonna be little stars.

After a few tricky angles for the grown up versions of the photos, and an ice cream - we moved onto going to this house Liam and Jay had been raving about since they contact me two weeks ago. And Rightly so... Wow. Amazing home, right in the middle of no-where, it's exactly where I want to picture living when I've made my first trillion (haha! council flat in blackheath... not that there's anything wrong with council flats or Blackheath...)
Really had to rush around the house getting shots as we were really pushing time, which was a shame because the lights needed abit of time to be perfected

but I think I'm happy with how the shots came out. We finished at about 6:30pm which was actually one of the longest shoots I've ever done and the first time I've nearly ran my memory card dry. Not quite though ;)
So now I have the mission of getting through all the pictures, and ofcourse finishing off Ricky's shoot from the other day :)
Back to work!